On Friday, Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) fell by -4.81% to $47.89. Following an employee’s accusation that the company overvalued one of the biggest reserves in the Permian Basin in Texas, the Texas oil giant is under scrutiny by the SEC, the capital markets regulator in the United States. This is what the Wall Street Journal says, at least.
Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) was down to $826.16, down -2.23 percent. According to the specialist website Electrek, the EV manufacturer has asked its employees to sell all the existing stock of Model S and X. Thus, for “refreshment” this month, the Californian company will liquidate its stock. Electrek also says Tesla’s $25,000 mass-market car could come “sooner than we think.”
BlackRock, Inc. (BLK) was down to $727.76, down -2.12 percent. The corporation sold part of its stake in China Telecom, one of the Chinese firms where investment has been banned by the Trump administration.
At -0.14 percent to $36.7, Pfizer Inc. (PFE) was stable. Pfizer would briefly decrease its Covid vaccine exports to Europe, thereby strengthening its manufacturing capability at its Belgian factory. The goal is to change the processes to raise the doses dramatically in late February and March, according to the laboratory. In a letter on Friday, many EU countries voiced their “serious concern.” Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said that considering the setback in the coming weeks, Pfizer’s boss had “assured her that all guaranteed doses for the first quarter (to EU countries) will be delivered in the first quarter.”